mount exit
On a VM server,an installation-wide exit (DSMMOUNT EXEC) that requests tape
mounts on behalf of the server on VM systems.
mount limit
Adevice class attribute specifying the maximum number of volumes that can be
simultaneously accessed from the same device class, that is, the maximum number
of mount points. See mount point.
mount operator
On a VM server,a VM user ID that can receive tape mount messages from the
mount point
Alogical drive through which TSM accesses volumes in a sequential access device
class. For a device class with a removable media device type (for example,
CARTRIDGE),a mount point is a logical drive associated with a physical drive. For
a device class with the device type of FILE, a mount point is a logical drive
associated with an I/O stream. The number of mount points for a device class is
determined by the mount limit for that class. See mount limit.
mount request
Aserver request to mount a sequential access media volume so that data can be
read from or written to the sequential access media.
mount retention period
Adevice class attribute that specifies the maximum number of minutes that the
server retains a mounted sequential access media volume that is not being used
before it dismounts the sequential access media volume.
mount wait period
Adevice class attribute that specifies the maximum number of minutes that the
server waits for a sequential access volume mount request to be satisfied before
canceling the request.
Multiple VirtualStorage (MVS)
One of the family of IBM operating systems for the System/370
or System/390
processor, such as MVS/ESA
. MVS is one of the supported server environments.
MVS Multiple VirtualStorage.
Version 3 Release 7