ANS0909E Error in parsing options.
Explanation: Ageneral parsing error occurred on a dsmnotes command. Either
you entered too many path names, or a hyphen (-) or an equal (=) sign is missing in
the option.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Checkthe syntax of the command. Correct the syntax and reissue
the command.
ANS0910E Invalid option keyword.
Explanation: An invalid option keyword was specified on a dsmnotes command.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Identifyand correct the invalid keyword. Then reissue the
ANS0912E The specified password is too long.
Explanation: The TSM password you entered is too long.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Ifyou are resetting a new TSM password, you need to choose a
shorter password. If you are entering a current TSM password, check that the
password is correct. If the password is correct but the problem still occurs, ask your
TSM administrator to reset your password to a new value. If you do this, choose a
shorter password.
ANS0913E An invalid option value was specified.
Explanation: An invalid value was specified for an option on a dsmnotes
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Identifyand correct the invalid value. Then reissue the dsmnotes
ANS0914E Required keywords are missing.
Explanation: One or more required keywords are missing from the dsmnotes
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Identifyand check the proper syntax and provide the missing
keywords and values. Then reissue the dsmnotes command.
ANS0915E An invalid date was entered.
Explanation: An invalid date value was entered. Either the syntax of the value
was not correct, or an actual value (for example, “45” for month) was invalid.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Identifyand correct the invalid date value. Refer to the user’s
guide of the corresponding platform for the correct date syntax.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
16. Tivoli Data Protection
for Lotus Notes