ANS7551E The source path cannot contain a drive letter
Explanation: The entered path cannot contain a drive letter.
SystemAction: TSM did not continue with the requested operation.
User Response: Enterthe source path in the correct format.
ANS7555E The destination path must contain a drive letter
Explanation: The entered path must begin with a drive letter, colon, and root
SystemAction: TSM did not continue with the requested operation.
User Response: Enterthe destination path in the correct format.
ANS7556E An invalid drive letter was entered
Explanation: Youentered an invalid drive letter.
SystemAction: TSM prompts you for the correct drive ID.
User Response: Reenterthe drive ID in the correct format.
ANS7560E Drive drive-name has no volume label. Backup/Archive not allowed.
Explanation: The specified drive-name selected cannot be backed up.
SystemAction: TSM rejected the selected drive.
User Response: Ifthe drive is a floppy drive, place a disk with a volume label in
it and retry the operation. If the disk is a hard drive, ensure the drive has a volume
label, and retry the operation.
ANS7561E Drive drive-name is unavailable
Explanation: In an attempt to process a file, the specified drive-name was found
SystemAction: TSM did not process the file.
User Response: Determinewhy the drive was not available, make it ready, and
retry the operation.
ANS7564E Backing up/Archiving drives with duplicate volume labels is not allowed.
Explanation: Youtried to back up or archive a drive that has a duplicate volume
label. Because TSM uses the volume label to keep track of backup/archive
information, it cannot back up or archive files from a drive with a duplicate volume
SystemAction: TSM cannot select the drive.
User Response: Ifthe volume needs to be available to the system, exit TSM, and
assign a volume label to the drive. Restart TSM and retry the operation.
ANS7641E Registry Backup failed
Explanation: TSMAn error occurred while backing up the registry.
SystemAction: Registry backup function fails.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
13. WindowsBackup-Archive Client