User Response: The configuration manager is at a higher release level than the
managed server.The managed server subscribed to a profile that contains an
unsupported object. Delete the subscription to this profile until service can be
applied to the server to bring it to a higher release level.
ANR3200E command: Command cannot be executed - domain domain name is a managed
Explanation: The specified command cannot be executed because it would alter
the contents of the indicated managed domain. Withthe exception of policy set
activation, a managed domain can only be modified using configuration information
propagated from the configuration manager.
SystemAction: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR3201E command: Domain domain name is a managed object and cannot be deleted.
Explanation: The indicated domain is a managed object and cannot be deleted on
the managed server.
SystemAction: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: Todelete this object, you can delete the subscription to the
configuration profiles with which domain domain name is associated.
ANR3202E command: Domain domain name is a managed object and cannot be updated.
Explanation: The indicated domain is a managed object and cannot be updated on
the managed server.
SystemAction: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: Toupdate this object, you can delete the subscription to the
configuration profiles with which domain domain name is associated.
ANR3203E command: Policy set set name in domain domain name is a managed object and
cannot be deleted.
Explanation: The indicated policy set is a managed object and cannot be deleted
on the managed server.
SystemAction: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: Todelete this object, you can delete the subscription to the
configuration profiles with which domain domain name is associated.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages