SystemAction: The drive status on the server is updated to reflect the availability
to that of the library manager.The drive will not be considered as a candidate for
the mount or demount request.
User Response: Contactyour service representative to determine the cause of the
drive becoming unavailable. Once the service representative has determined the
cause and changed the availability status to available at the library manager, the
server will resume use of the drive.
ANR8776W Volumevolume name in drive drive name contains lost VCR data; performance
may be degraded.
Explanation: The VitalCartridge Records of the cartridge in the drive are lost or
corrupted. This results in the inability of the drive to do fast locates to file positions
on the cartridge, which causes the locate performance for read or append operations
to become degraded.
SystemAction: The server continues the operation.
User Response: Thereare two methods to restore the VCR data. The first method
uses the MOVE DATAcommand to move the data off the tape and to return the
tape to scratch or empty status. The VCR data is rebuilt when the empty tape is
rewritten from the beginning-of-tape. The second method rebuilds the VCR by
loading the tape and locating directly to the end-of-data. This is done by the server
in normal use when new data is appended to the end of the tape. It can also be done
independent of the server by loading the tape in an unused drive and using the
tapeutil program. Select the tapeutil option Space to End-of-Data.
ANR8777E Mount for volume volume name failed; media performance is degraded.
Explanation: The VCR data on the volume is lost or corrupted, resulting in
degraded tape positioning. The mount fails because the tape drive was configured to
fail mounts that indicate this condition.
SystemAction: The client command fails and the transaction is rolled back.
User Response: Untilthe VCR data can be restored, the user can issue the
UPDATEVOLUME command to make the volume unavailable. There are two
methods to restore the VCR data. The first method uses the MOVE DATA
command to move the data off the tape and to return the tape to scratch or empty
status. The VCR data is rebuilt when the empty tape is rewritten from the
beginning-of-tape. The second method rebuilds the VCR by loading the tape and
locating directly to the end-of-data. This is done by the server in normal use
whenever data is appended to the end of the tape. It can also be done independent
of the server by loading the tape in an unused drive and using the tapeutil program.
Select the tapeutil option Space to End-of-Data.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages