ANS8055E No server resources available.
Explanation: Sufficient server resources are not available.
SystemAction: The client session is ended.
User Response: Retrythe administrative session. If the problem persists, contact
your service representative.
ANS8056E Youradministrator ID is locked.
Explanation: The administrative ID entered has been locked by a system
administrator and cannot be used.
SystemAction: The client session is ended.
User Response: Contactyour system administrator to unlock your ID.
ANS8057E The requested language files are not available.
Explanation: The NLS repository for the language specified is not available.
SystemAction: The client session is ended.
User Response: Usea different language or obtain a copy of the NLS repository
for the language desired.
ANS8058E Error loading one or morefunctions from SYS1.CSSLIB.
Explanation: TSM cannot load the required CPI Communication functions. This
message only applies when using SNALU6.2 communications on MVS 4.2.0 or
SystemAction: The connection to the server fails.
User Response: Beforeretrying the operation, ensure that APAROY52924 has
been applied (PTF UY79385 for MVS 4.2.0, PTF UY79386 for MVS 4.2.2).Also,
ensure that SYS1.CSSLIB is either STEPLIBed or added to LINKLIST.As an
alternative to applying theAPAR, an installation may choose to link-edit the TSM
TSO administrative client again, including the moduleATBPBI from SYS1.CSSLIB.
ANS8059E The TCP/IPfunctions have not been linked into this module.
Explanation: TheADSM TSO administrative client cannot find the TCP/IP
functions required to support TCP/IPcommunications.
SystemAction: The connection to the server fails.
User Response: TheTCP/IP functions must be included in the
DSMADMC/ANSADM module. Refer to the Program Directory for this product for
instructions on how to include the TCP/IPfunctions in the DSMADMC/ANSADM
ANS8060E The IUCV DECLARE BUFFER has failed. IUCV functions may not be
Explanation: TSM fails trying to start IUCV communications.
SystemAction: The connection to the server fails.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
14. Administrative
Command Line Client