User Response: Use the QUERYLICENSE command to determine the license
terms that are no longer in compliance.
ANR0465W Open registration failed for session session number fornode nodename (client
platform) - policy domain STANDARDdoes not have an ACTIVE policy set.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session during open registration because
the STANDARDpolicy domain does not have an active policy set. All nodes added
to the server database under open registration are automatically assigned to the
STANDARDpolicy domain. This policy domain must be defined and have an
active policy set to support open registration.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: If you want to support open registration, define a policy domain
using the DEFINE DOMAIN command with the name STANDARDand activate a
valid policy set in the domain. Youcan issue the UPDATE NODE command to
move nodes to different policy domains after the nodes have registered themselves
through open registration.
ANR0479W Session session number for server server name (server platform) terminated -
connection with server severed.
Explanation: If serverA has opened a connection with server B, server B’s
session is ended because the communications link has been closed by a network
error or by serverA’s program.
SystemAction: Server A continues operation.
User Response: If server B halts operation or in some way stops communicating
with serverA, this message will be displayed on server A indicating that the
connection was closed suddenly by server B.A network failure can also cause this
message to be displayed. If a large number of these messages occur simultaneously,
check the network for failure and correct any problems.
ANR0480W Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated -
connection with client severed.
Explanation: The specified client session is ended because the communications
link has been closed by a network error or by the client program.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: If a user breaks out of a client program, this message will be
displayed on the server as the connection is suddenly closed by the client.A
network failure can also cause this message to be displayed. If a large number of
these messages occur simultaneously,check the network for failure and correct any
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages