ANR2467I Command:number of entries deleted sequential volume history entries were
successfully deleted.
Explanation: The DELETE VOLHISTORYcommand successfully deleted the
number of entries specified.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR2468E Command:An internal server error was encountered while deleting server
sequential volume history information.
Explanation: The DELETE VOLHISTORYcommand fails because an internal
server error has been encountered.
SystemAction: The DELETE VOLHISTORYcommand fails, and server operation
User Response: Examinethe messages in the activity log or server console that
were displayed prior to the error to see if the error can be resolved. Contact your
service representative if this error cannot be resolved.
ANR2469E Command: Invalid volume history type: history type.
Explanation: The command failed because an invalid sequential volume history
type was specified for the TYPE= parameter.
SystemAction: The command fails, and server operation continues.
User Response: Referto the Administrator’s Referencefor an explanation of the
valid types for this command. Reissue the command and specify a valid type value.
ANR2470I Message output being re-directed to file file name.
Explanation: The message output is being redirected to the specified file instead
of being displayed at the console.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR2471E Messageoutput re-direction to file file name failed - unable to open file.
Explanation: An error occurs while trying to open the file. The message output
will not be redirected to the specified file.
SystemAction: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages