ANR1610E Internal Server error: invalid copy type copy type integer encounteredin policy
set validation.
Explanation: An internal server database error has been encountered while
validating a policy set in response to the VALIDATEPOLICYSET or ACTIVATE
POLICYSET command.
SystemAction: The policy operation is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Examinethe server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error.Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
ANR1611E Command:Invalid management class name - management class name.
Explanation: Server processing for the command command fails because the
specified management class name may not be used as a management class name.
SystemAction: Database changes for the command are rolled back and server
operation continues. The command is not successful in changing the server database.
User Response: Reissuethe command and specify another management class
ANR1612E Command: Management class management class name in policy set set name,
domain domain name specifies MIGREQUIRESBKUP=YES, but contains no
backup copy group.
Explanation: During policy set validation or activation for policy set set name in
policy domain domain name, the server has found that the management class named
class name specifies the MIGREQUIRESBKUP=YES parameter but does not
contain a backup copy group. Policy set validation or activation fails in this case
because it would not be possible to ensure that space-managed client files are
backed up prior to being migrated to the server.
SystemAction: Database changes for the command are rolled back and server
operation continues. The command is not successful in changing the server database.
User Response: To define a backup copy group within the management class,
issue the DEFINE COPYGROUP command.To change the MIGREQUIRESBKUP
parameter, issue the UPDATEMGMTCLASS command.
ANR1650E Server server name is not defined.
Explanation: The server name was not created using the DEFINE SERVER
command. This entry was created using the REGISTER NODE
NODETYPE=SERVERcommand and is not a valid reference.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages