ANS1021E NETBIOS configuration error: Reboot the machine.
Explanation: ADOS or Windows NETBIOS error has occurred which requires
that the adapter be reset. This may be caused by a software installation or adapter
configuration error.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Rebootthe machine. If the error recurs, check the TSM error log
to find the NETBIOS return code. See your system administrator for help with your
NETBIOS installation/configuration problem.
ANS1022E Cannot start application specified on the BOOKS option.
Explanation: Could not start the application specified on the BOOKS option.
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: Correctthe option and restart the program.
ANS1023E Session rejected: Node type mismatch
Explanation: Yournode name is associated with a different type of operating
system (such as OS/2 orAIX) and cannot be used on this system.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation.
User Response: Ifyou need a new node name, see your system administrator to
assign a new one to you. Generally,you have a unique node name for each machine
and operating system pair that requires access to the server.
ANS1024E Session rejected: Unable to locate required fileWSOCK32.DLL
Explanation: The 32-Bit WindowsSockets DLL WSOCK32.DLL could not be
SystemAction: Communications link is not established. Session rejected.
User Response: Seeyour system administrator.
ANS1025E Session rejected:Authentication failure
Explanation: Authentication failure. Youentered an incorrect password.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation.
User Response: Enteryour correct password. If you cannot remember the correct
password, see your system administrator to have a new one assigned for your node
ANS1026E Session rejected: Communications protocol error
Explanation: Communications protocol error.An unexpected communications
message was received by the client.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation.
User Response: Verify that your communication path is functioning properly.If
the problem continues, have your service representative check for a possible
program error.
Version 3 Release 7