SystemAction: Import processing continues, but the indicated command will have
no effect.
User Response: Examinethe server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error.Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages.After import processing is complete, it may be
necessary to issue additional commands manually to obtain the necessary
ANR0730E Import command: Internal error fromcommand \’server command\’.
Explanation: Processing for the command import command ends when an internal
command error is encountered in the server.
SystemAction: Import processing ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Examinethe server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error.Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
ANR0731E Import command: Invalid value for COMPRESSION parameter in exported
data for node node name.
Explanation: During preview processing of command import command, an invalid
value is encountered for the COMPRESSION parameter for node node name.
SystemAction: Processing of the command continues. If a later command causes
the data to be imported, the default or existing COMPRESSION value is used.
User Response: None.If the data is imported with a later command, verify that
the correct COMPRESSION value is used for this node.
ANR0732E Import command: Invalid value forARCHDELETE parameter in exported data
for node node name.
Explanation: During preview processing of command import command, an invalid
value is encountered for theARCHDELETE parameter for node node name.
SystemAction: Processing of the command continues. If a later command causes
the data to be imported, the default or existingARCHDELETE value is used.
User Response: None.If the data is imported with a later command, verify that
the correctARCHDELETE value is used for this node.
Version 3 Release 7