User Response: Wait.If the situation does not get resolved within a reasonable
amount of time (about 1 min.), execute dsmmigfs SDRreset. This will reset all
activated locks in the SDR for the local GFPS node set.
ANS9419E program-name:The filesystem filesystem-name is eitheralready managed locally
or under the contol of a remote HSM instance.
Explanation: AGPFS filesystem can be managed just once.
SystemAction: Aborting operation.
User Response: Execute dsmmigfs query -detail to have a look at the current
HSM configuration within the local GFPS node set.
ANS9420E program-name:An update of the configuration files in the SDR is not allowed as
long as failover is disabled on the local machine.
Explanation: Youcannot update configuration files in the SDR when failover is
disabled on the local machine.
SystemAction: TSM Aborting operation.
User Response: Do nothing, or activate failover by using dsmmigfs enableFailover
before running dsmmigfs SDRupdate.
ANS9421W program-name: Recoveredfrom Lock on SDR File file-name
Explanation: This output relates toANS9418W. A previously blocked SDR file
got unlocked.
SystemAction: TSM continues.
User Response: None.
ANS9422E program-name: It was not possible to access the SDR File file-name within an
appropiate amount of time.Aborting operation ...
Explanation: This output relates toANS9418W. A file in the SDR remains
SystemAction: Aborting operation.
User Response: If the problem persists execute dsmmigfs SDRreset.
ANS9423E program-name: Setting the default partiton name failed!Aborting operation ...
Explanation: The application needs to have access to the SP Group Services. In
this context it tries to extract the default partition name for the local system as
provided by spget_syspar.The data extraction failed.
Version 3 Release 7