ANR0251E Unable to read recovery log page logical page number fromany alternate copy.
Explanation: After a read error, the server is unable to read the desired page from
another mirrored volume because no other mirrored volume was in the synchronized
state. This message is normally preceded by a message indicating which volume
SystemAction: Processing is ended.
User Response: You can repair the failed volume by halting the server and
correcting the volume errors.
ANR0252E Error writing logical page logical page number (physical page physical page
number) to database volume volume name.
Explanation: An error has been encountered when attempting to write a page to
the specified database volume.
SystemAction: If a mirrored volume is available then the failing volume is forced
into the offline state.
User Response: Repairthe failing volume, and then use the VARYON command
to bring the volume back online.
ANR0253E Unable to write database page logical page number to any alternate copy.
Explanation: After a write error, the server is unable to write the desired page to
another mirrored volume because no other mirrored volume is in the synchronized
state. This message is normally preceded by a message indicating which volume
SystemAction: Processing is ended.
User Response: Repairthe failed volume.
ANR0254E Error writing logical page logical page number (physical page physical page
number) to recovery log volume volume name.
Explanation: An error has been encountered when attempting to write a page to
the specified recovery log volume.
SystemAction: If a mirrored volume is available, the failing volume is forced into
the offline state.
User Response: Repairthe failing volume, and then use the VARYON command
to bring the volume back online.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages