SystemAction: The indicated migration process ends. The server waits for the
retry period to expire and then tries the migration again. If other migration
processes are executing for the named storage pool, these processes will continue
User Response: Contactyour service representative.
ANR1033W Migration process process ID terminated forstorage pool storage pool name -
transaction aborted.
Explanation: During migration for the indicated storage pool, the server detected
an error while attempting to commit a transaction. This message should be preceded
by other messages that give additional information about the failed transaction.
SystemAction: The indicated migration process ends. The server waits for the
retry period to expire and then tries the migration again. If other migration
processes are executing for the named storage pool, these processes will continue
User Response: Checkfor additional messages and eliminate the condition that
caused the failed transaction.
ANR1034W Files stored on volume volume name cannot be migrated - volume is offline or
access mode is unavailableor destroyed.
Explanation: During migration, files on the indicated volume cannot be migrated
either because the volume has been varied offline or because of the volume’saccess
SystemAction: The server continues migration processing, but skips files stored
on the indicated volume.
User Response: Ifnecessary, use the VARYON or UPDATE VOLUME command
for this volume.
ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume volume name, storage pool storage pool
name (process number process ID).
Explanation: The percentage of reclaimable space on the volume shown has
reached the reclaim percentage specified for the storage group; as a result, data from
the volume is moved to another volume so that the volume can be reclaimed.
SystemAction: The server starts volume space reclamation.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages