ANR5062E (S/390)Unableto allocate number of bytes bytes for VTAM control blocks.
Explanation: The server is unable to access the storage it needs to support the
COMMmethods 3270 and SNALU6.2.
SystemAction: The COMMmethods 3270 and SNALU6.2 are disabled. If the
storage for the global control block cannot be accessed, these COMMmethods
remain disabled until the server is shut down with the HALTcommand and
restarted. Otherwise, the server periodically tries to access the needed storage and
when successful, the 3270 and SNALU6.2 COMMmethods are enabled. Server
operation continues.
User Response: Ifthe support for the COMMmethods 3270 and SNALU6.2 is
needed immediately,shut down the server (with the HALT command), resolve the
storage problem, and restart the server.If the COMMmethods 3270 and SNALU6.2
are not used, shut down the server, set the LUNAME to *NONE*, and restart the
ANR5063E (S/390)Unableto allocate session number for LU LU ID.
Explanation: The server is unable to assign a session number to the incoming
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The server rejects the incoming
User Response: Ifthe MAXSESSIONS statement in the server options file has
been set correctly,the end-user (client) must wait until there is a free session before
retrying to connect with the server.If the MAXSESSIONS statement is in error,
shut down the server, correct the MAXSESSIONS statement, restart the server,and
have the client retry connecting with the server.
ANR5064E (S/390)Unableto allocate number of bytes bytes for VTAM session with LU LU ID.
Explanation: The server is unable to access the storage needed to support the
incoming 3270 dial-in session.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The incoming session is rejected.
User Response: Allocateadditional storage to the server virtual machine. There
are four ways to do this:
1. On VM, increase the size of the server’s virtual machine. This requires that the
default storage size be updated in the server’s CPdirectory entry.
Version 3 Release 7