ANR5212I (S/390)Request number: Mount devclass volume ID at vaddr mode via Exit Machine
machine name.
Explanation: The server has requested a volume be mounted.
SystemAction: The running task waits until the mount is satisfied or canceled.
User Response: Usethe DSMOP command to satisfy or cancel the mount request.
ANR5213I (S/390)Request number: Mount devclass volume ID at vaddr mode (format) via Exit
Machine machine name.
Explanation: The server has requested a volume with a specific format be
SystemAction: The running task waits until the mount is satisfied or canceled.
User Response: Usethe DSMOP command to satisfy or cancel the mount request.
ANR5214I (S/390)Request number: Mount devclass volume ID at vaddr mode waiting for available
Exit Machine.
Explanation: The server has requested a volume be mounted.
SystemAction: The running task waits until the mount is satisfied or canceled.
User Response: Usethe DSMOP command to satisfy or cancel the mount request.
ANR5215I (S/390)Request number: Mount devclass volume ID at vaddr mode (format) waiting for
available Exit Machine.
Explanation: The server has requested a volume be mounted.
SystemAction: The running task waits until the mount is satisfied or canceled.
User Response: Usethe DSMOP command to satisfy or cancel the mount request.
ANR5216I (S/390)Type volser is expected to be mounted (mode).
Explanation: The server requires the volume volser be in read/write or read/only
mode as indicated by mode on a device type indicated by type.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7