Named Pipes
Acommunication protocol that is built into the Windows NT or OS/2 operating
system. It can be used to establish communications between the TSM server and
any TSM clients on the same system.
NetBIOSNetwork Basic Input/Output System.
network adapter
Aphysical device, and its associated software, that enables a processor or controller
to be connected to a network.
Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS)
An operating system interface for application programs used on IBM personal
computers that are attached to the IBM Token-RingNetwork.
Network File System (NFS)
Aprotocol defined by Sun Microsystems that extends TCP/IP network file services.
NFS permits remote node files to appear as though they are stored on a local
Networking Services/DOS (NS/DOS)
Asoftware product that supports advanced program-to-program communications
(APPC) in the DOS and Microsoft Windows3.1 environments. With NS/DOS,
communications applications on your workstation “talk to” partner applications on
other systems that supportAPPC.
NFS Network File System.
node Aunique name used to identify a workstation to the server. See also client node.
notify operator
AVM user ID that specifies an operator who receives messages about severe errors
and abnormal conditions.
object Acollection of data managed as a single entity.
offsite recovery media
Media that is kept at a different location to ensure its safety if a disaster occurs at
the primary location of the computer system. The media contains data necessary to
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages