TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
Telnet InTCP/IP, the protocol that opens the connection to the system.
Tivoli Disaster Recovery Manager (DRM)
Aproduct that works with TSM to assist in preparing and later using a disaster
recovery plan for the TSM server.
Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)
Aclient/server program that provides storage management to customers in a
multivendor computer environment.
TransmissionControl Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Aset of communication protocols that support peer-to-peer connectivity functions
for both local and wide area networks.
trusted communication agent
Aprogram that performs communication tasks on behalf of the client or server, and
ensures the security of the communications.
TSM Tivoli Storage Manager.
TSM application program interface (API)
Aset of functions that applications running on a client platform can call to store,
query,and retrieve objects from TSM storage.
TSM command script
Asequence of TSM administrative commands that are stored in the TSM database.
The script can include substitution for command parameters and conditional logic.
Youcan run the script from any interface to the server.
unit name
On an MVS server, a device class attribute that specifies a group of tape devices
used with the MVS server.A unit name can be a generic device type, an esoteric
unit name, or a physical device.
UNIX System Services
MVS/ESAservices that support an environment within which operating systems,
servers, distributed systems, and workstations share common interfaces. UNIX
System Services supports standard application development across multivendor
systems and is required to create and use applications that conform to the POSIX
standard. UNIX System Services was formerly known as OpenEdition
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages