name1 is the originator of the event.
... is where intervening server name(s) have been left off the source
User Response: Most likely you are using very long server names and/or have
excessive hops from server to server.Either use shorter server names or change
your configuration to reduce the number of hops.
ANR1852E Unable to send header to TEC at TEC server rc returncode
Explanation: Anetwork error has occurred in attempting to send the event header
to the Tivoli Enterprise Console.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Verifynetwork connections and contact your service
representative if this error persists.
ANR1853E Unable to send data to TEC at TEC server rc returncode
Explanation: Anetwork error has occurred in attempting to send the event data to
the Tivoli Enterprise Console.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Verifynetwork connections and contact your service
representative if this error persists.
ANR1854E Unable to flush data to TEC at TEC server rc returncode
Explanation: Anetwork error has occurred in attempting to flush data to the
Tivoli Enterprise Console .
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Verifynetwork connections and contact your service
representative if this error persists.
ANR2000E Unknown command - command.
Explanation: The specified command is not a valid server command.
SystemAction: The server ignores the command.
User Response: Reissue the correct command.
Version 3 Release 7