ANS9522E program-name: file formigration has changed - migration skipped for file
handle = filehandle
Explanation: The file in migration has been modified.
SystemAction: TSM stopped migration of the file.
User Response: Retryoperation.
ANS9523E program-name: is unable to verify the stubsize forthe file on session session file
handle = filehandle token = token. Reason : error
Explanation: Acorrect stubsize could not be determined by the system.
SystemAction: TSM stopped migration of the file.
User Response: Resolvethe problem and retry the operation.
ANS9524W program-name: adjusted stubsize to an allowed value on session session file
handle = filehandle token = token old stubsize = old-size new stubsize = new-size
Explanation: The predefined stubsize for the file was not valid. The system
corrected the stubsize.
SystemAction: TSM space management continues.
User Response: Continuewith normal operation.
ANS9525E program-name: is unable to createa stubfile on session session for file handle =
handle token = token. Reason : error
Explanation: An error occurred while creating a stub file.
SystemAction: Processing of the file is interrupted.
User Response: Continuewith normal operation.
ANS9526E program-name: cannot open the state file filename forwriting. Reason: error
Explanation: The state file (global or file system state file) could not be opened.
SystemAction: TSM stops processing.
User Response: Resolve the problem and retry the operation.
ANS9527E program-name: cannot write to the state file filename. Reason: error
Explanation: TSM space management could not write to the state file.
SystemAction: TSM stops processing.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
15. Tivoli Space Manager