ANR8270I (AS/400)
Request number:exit type EXIT returned volume volume name.
Explanation: The specified exit program provides the indicated volume name to
the server.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR8271W (AIX)Unable to bind to IPX/SPX master socket. Return code TLI error, reasoncode
system error.
Explanation: The server cannot initiate communications on the socket number
designated for its use. The return codes represent the transport layer interface and
system error codes.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but communications using the
IPX/SPX protocol are not established.
User Response: Ensurethat SPX has been configured to run on this system
through the requester configuration program. Ensure that there is no other instance
of the server running on the same system that is using the same socket number.
Also ensure that the number of SPX sessions has not been exceeded through other
applications using the IPX/SPX protocol, such as NetWarefor AIX clients.
ANR8271E (AS/400)
Request number: Error opening volume volume name on drive drive name.
Explanation: ADSM detects an error while attempting to open a volume in the
specified drive.
SystemAction: If a volume is mounted, it is ejected. If the library is of type
USRDFN, this media operation fails. For any other library type, the server continues
to wait for the requested volume to be mounted.
User Response: Ensurethat a volume is inserted properly in the designated drive.
ANR8272W (AIX)IPX/SPX connection terminated - insufficient memory.
Explanation: The server cannot accept a client session due to a memory allocation
request failure.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Themost likely cause is a lack of memory. The system process
table may also be full. Ensure that sufficient paging space is available forAIX. You
Version 3 Release 7