ANR1655E Failure processing password for Serverserver name when writing a device
configuration file.
Explanation: An error occurred processing the password for server name while
trying to write this information to a device configuration file.
SystemAction: This DEFINE SERVERentry is written to the device
configuration file without the password.
User Response: Thepassword needs to be specified after PASSWORD= for this
DEFINE SERVERentry in the device configuration file.
ANR1656E Failure writing server definitions to a device configuration file.
Explanation: An error occurred writing the server information to a device
configuration file.
SystemAction: The BACKUP DEVCONFIG action fails.
User Response: Checkthat the device configuration file exists and that the file
system the file resides on is not out of space.
ANR1657E Command: Invalid server or group name -server or group name.
Explanation: The command shown specifies an invalid server or server group
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command with a valid name.
ANR1658E Command: Failure determining NODENAME for serverserver name.
Explanation: The command shown was unable to determine a node name either
from the NODENAME= parameter on this command or from the server name
previously set using the SET SERVERNAMEcommand.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command with a valid node name parameter or else
update the server name using the SET SERVERNAMEcommand so that a valid
name is available.
ANR1659E Command: Server or server group server or group name is already defined.
been entered that specifies a server or server group name that already exists. The
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages