ANR2757E Command: The NODES parameter cannot be used when querying events for
administrative schedules.
Explanation: AQUERY EVENT command has been issued with
TYPE=ADMINISTRATIVEand the NODES parameter both specified. The NODES
parameter cannot be specified when querying events for administrative schedules.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the command is not processed.
User Response: Issuethe command without the NODES parameter.
ANR2780W Command: Updates for nodes previously processedduring this command will be
rolled back.
Explanation: An error has occurred during an UPDATENODE operation. If the
UPDATENODE command was processing more than one node, updates for nodes
which were previously processed will be rolled back.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Correctthe error and reissue the command.
ANR2800E The license manager cannot be started: diagcode.
Explanation: The license manager cannot be started during initialization because
sufficient memory is not available. Diagnostic code diagcode is issued.
SystemAction: Initialization fails.
User Response: Allocateadditional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORYto display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
ANR2803I License manager started.
Explanation: The license manager is started when the server is initialized. The
license manager monitors license compliance.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR2804W Insufficient memory is available for the license manager - will retry innumber
of seconds seconds.
Explanation: The server suspends license manager processing because sufficient
server memory is not available.
SystemAction: Server operation continues; the license manager operation will be
retried after the specified delay.
Version 3 Release 7