ANR5513E (S/390)Expirationdate expdt is not valid.
Explanation: Expiration data expdt is not valid.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Reissuethe server command, and specify a valid expiration date.
ANR5514E (S/390)Retentionperiod retpd is not valid.
Explanation: Retention period retpd is not valid.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Reissuethe server command, and specify a valid retention period.
ANR5953W (S/390)
Unable to generate accounting record -ACCT option not specified in CP
Explanation: The SETACNT ON command has been entered, but the server is
unable to generate an accounting record because theACCT option has not been
specified in the server’s CPdirectory entry.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. No accounting record is generated.
User Response: Addthe ACCT option to the server’s CPdirectory entry. To
suppress these messages until the CP directory can be updated, enter the SETACNT
OFF command.
ANR5954W (S/390)
Unable to generate accounting record - insufficient memory.
Explanation: The SETACNT ON command has been entered, but the server is
unable to generate an accounting record due to a lack of memory (virtual storage).
In some cases a 4096-byte buffer is required for accounting operations, and it is this
buffer that cannot be allocated.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. No accounting record is generated.
User Response: Allocateadditional storage to the server virtual machine. There
are three ways to do this:
1. Increase the size of the server’s virtual machine. This requires that the default
storage size be updated in the server’s CPdirectory entry.
Version 3 Release 7