ANS1317E The server does not have enough database space to continue the current
Explanation: The server ran out of database space.
SystemAction: TSM ended the current operation.
User Response: Seeyour system administrator.
ANS1318E The server does not have enough memory to continue the current operation.
Explanation: The server ran out of memory.
SystemAction: TSM ended the current operation.
User Response: Thisis a temporary problem. Retry later or see your system
ANS1320E The specified file space does not exist on the server.The file space might have
been deleted by another client or an administrator.
Explanation: The specified file space does not exist on the server.Your system
administrator deleted the file space or another client using your client’snode name
deleted it.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation.
User Response: Checkthe file space name to see if it is correct, and retry the
ANS1321S Open Registration failed because the specified node name is defined in the
Explanation: Open registration failed because a node is defined in the server with
the same name.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation.
User Response: Retrywith another node name.
ANS1322S Open Registration failed because no default domain exists
Explanation: Open registration failed because a default policy domain does not
exist for you to place your node.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation.
User Response: Seeyour system administrator.
ANS1323S Open Registration failed because an invalid node name was specified
Explanation: Open registration failed because the specified node name contains
invalid characters.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation.
User Response: Retrywith another node name that does not have any invalid
Version 3 Release 7