recover the TSM server and clients. The offsite recovery media manager,which is
part of DRM, identifies recovery media to be moved offsite and back onsite, and
tracks media status.
offsite volume
Aremovable media volume that is at a location where it cannot be mounted for use.
open registration
Aregistration process in which users can register their own workstations as client
nodes with the server.Contrast with closed registration.
Operating System/2
An operating system used in IBM PCAT
, PS/2, and compatible computers.
operator privilege class
An administrative privilege class that allows an administrator to issue commands
that control the operation of the server.This privilege class allows disabling or
halting the server to perform maintenance, enabling the server, canceling server
processes, and managing tape.
optical library
Astorage device that houses optical disk drives and optical disks, and contains a
mechanism for moving optical disks between a storage area and optical disk drives.
OS/2 Operating System/2.
Operating System/390.
Operating System/400
owner The owner of backup-archive files sent from a multiuser client node, such asAIX.
page (1)A block of instructions, data, or both. (2) In TSM, a unit of space allocation
within database volumes. (3) In a virtual storage system, a fixed block that has a
virtual address and is transferred as a unit between real storage and auxiliary
Version 3 Release 7