ANR2285I Database backup trigger updated, but disabled.
Explanation: An UPDATEDBBACKUPTRIGGER command has successfully
completed, but because the recovery log mode is currently set to NORMAL, the
database backup trigger is disabled. Database backups can only be triggered when
the log mode is set to ROLLFORWARDwith a SET LOGMODE command.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: To activate the database backup trigger, use the SETLOGMODE
ANR2286I Database backup trigger deleted.
Explanation: ADELETE DBBACKUPTRIGGER command has successfully
completed. Database backups are no longer triggered automatically by recovery log
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR2287I Snapshot database backup started as process processID.
Explanation: Abackground process was started to backup the contents of the
database. The snapshot database backup process was assigned the process id shown.
SystemAction: The database backup process starts and server operation continues.
User Response: Theadministrator may query the started process by using the
QUERYPROCESS command, or may cancel the process using the CANCEL
PROCESS command.
ANR2288I Subfile set to state.
Explanation: The SET SUBFILE command has been used to specify whether this
server will allow clients to back up subfiles. If a value of CLIENT is specified,
clients are given the option of backing up subfiles. If a value of NO is specified,
clients are not allowed to back up subfiles.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR2290W Changing the log mode to NORMALwill prevent roll-forward recovery.
Explanation: The system has determined that changing the recovery log mode
from ROLLFORWARDto NORMAL mode will cause the log records being kept
Version 3 Release 7