SystemAction: TSM continues with normal operation.
User Response: Entera positive number between 0 and 18.
ANS9889W Space management has not been added to file-system file system. Do you want
to build the directory tree anyway?
Explanation: Youselected a file system that is not managed by HSM.
SystemAction: TSM builds the directory tree if you select the OK button.
Otherwise, it will not.
User Response: You can add space management to the file system by selecting the
Space Manager push button in the TSM main window,and then selecting Add under
the Selected menu option.
ANS9891W Please mark either or both check boxes before proceeding.
Explanation: Youhave not marked either of the check boxes.
SystemAction: TSM does not proceed with reconcile processing.
User Response: Markeither or both check boxes.
ANS9895W Space management in file system file system is not active.
Explanation: Youtried to select a file in a file system for which space
management is inactive.
SystemAction: TSM continues with normal operation.
User Response: Reactivatespace management for the file system, and then
proceed with selecting files.
ANS9899E Cannot recall resident or premigratedfile.
Explanation: The file is a resident or premigrated file.
SystemAction: The file is not selected.
User Response: Selectonly migrated files for recall.
ANS9900E FSM kernel extension not installed.
Explanation: The file system selected is not fully activated. The system received
an error trying to open /dev/fsm.
SystemAction: TSM operation stops.
Version 3 Release 7