SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: TheQUERY DB command (FORMAT=DETAILED)can be used
to display the current value for the maximum utilization.
ANR0383I The recovery log maximum utilization statistic was successfully reset.
Explanation: The recovery log maximum utilization statistic has been reset by the
RESET LOGMAXUTILIZATIONcommand to the current utilization.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: TheQUERY LOG command (FORMAT=DETAILED)can be
used to display the current value for the maximum utilization.
ANR0384I The recovery log consumption statistic was successfully reset.
Explanation: The recovery log consumption statistic has been reset by the RESET
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: TheQUERY LOG command (FORMAT=DETAILED)can be
used to display the current value for recovery log consumption.
ANR0385I Could not free sufficient buffers to reach reduced BUFPoolsize.
Explanation: Areduction in the Data Base buffer pool size was requested.
However, too many bufferswere in use to reach the lower buffer pool size.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. Whatever buffer pool size reduction
that could be achieved is in effect. The new bufpoolsize is written to the options file
for use on the next server startup.
User Response: None.
ANR0386I The BUFPoolsize has been changed to buffer pool size.
Explanation: The BUFPoolsize option has been changed to the indicated value.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR0390W Aserver database deadlock situation has been encountered: lock request for
transaction transaction ID will be denied to resolve the deadlock.
Explanation: The server detected a deadlock situation between a number of
processes attempting to access database information.A lock request for one of the
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages