ANR0547E Invalid data was encountered in the command processor output stream:output
formatting terminated for the last command entered.
Explanation: The server console session encounters an error in formatting output
from a command.
SystemAction: The command output is discarded and server operation continues.
User Response: Usethe server QUERY command to determine if the command
you entered had the desired affect in the server.Use the QUERY ACTLOG
command to see if a server error condition (like out of memory) occurred prior to
the command. Resolve the error if it is found. Contact your service representative if
you cannot resolve the error, or if an error is not found.
ANR0548W Retrieve or restore failed forsession session number for node node name (client
platform) processing filespace filespace for file file name stored as storage
repository - data integrity errordetected.
Explanation: The server ends a file retrieval operation for the specified session
because an internal database integrity error has been encountered on the server.
SystemAction: The server ends the specified session and continues operation.
User Response: Re-trythe restore or retrieve operation and if the file is also
backed up in a copy storage pool, the operation will attempt to read the file from
the alternate location.
ANR0566W Retrieve or restore failed forsession session number for node node name (client
platform) - file was deleted from data storage during retrieval.
Explanation: The server ends a file retrieval operation for the specified session
because the file has been deleted from data storage by another process before
retrieval is complete.
SystemAction: The server ends the specified session and continues operation.
User Response: Contactyour administrator to find out if DELETE FILESPACE,
DELETE VOLUME, or inventory expiration processes are running; these processes
can delete data storage files during retrieval. Reissue the restore or retrieve
operation and specify a different file version.
ANR0567W Retrieve or restored failed forsession session number for node node name (client
platform) - insufficient mount points available to satisfy the request.
Explanation: The server was unable to allocate sufficient mount points to process
the retrieve or restore operation.
SystemAction: The operation is ended and server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7