ACO2593E AnADSM server named %1 is already defined. Enter a new name to continue.
Explanation: Avalue was entered for the ADSM Server name. However, this
server name already exists.
SystemAction: Processing has focus on the server name.
User Response: Entera unique ADSM Server name.
ACO2594E Could not find Internet Explorer
Explanation: An attempt was made to read the registry to determine where
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer was installed. This attempt failed.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Makesure that the registry is set up correctly for Internet
ACO2595E Could not find theADSM HTML books
Explanation: An attempt was made to read the registry to determine where the
agent was installed. This attempt failed.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Itmay be necessary to reinstall the agent code. This will ensure
that the registry entries are set up correctly.
ACO2596E Failed to start Webbrowser
Explanation: An attempt was made to start the web browser to view theADSM
HTML book.This attempt failed.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Startyour web browser manually and point it to bookfrm.htm in
the agent htm directory.
ACO2597I Could not find the default browser defined. An attempt will be made to use
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.
Explanation: An attempt was made to read the registry to determine the default
browser.However, there was not one defined. It will be determined where Microsoft
Internet Explorer is installed.
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: Itis possible that a default browser is not defined for the system.
This is okay.An attempt will be made to use Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.
ACO2598E Failed to create RAS process.
Explanation: An attempt was made to start the Dial-Up Networkingapplication.
This attempt failed.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Besure that the RASPHONE.EXE file is installed in the
appropriate directory.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
17. Tivoli Data Protection
for Microsoft SQL