ANR6204I Command name: Process processID, level audit level audit, ended successfully -
compression suspects = total number of compressionsuspects.
Explanation: Acompression audit ended and is reporting the total number of
suspect client files that have been found.
SystemAction: The audit operation completes.
User Response: Thecompression candidate list can be displayed with the QUERY
ANR6205I Command name: Process processID, continuing Level 1 compression audit with
object object ID high order number.object ID low ordernumber.
Explanation: Alevel 1 compression audit is starting to evaluate client files for
signs that they may be affected by the client compression problem. Since a previous
level 1 audit has been executed, this audit will continue where the last audit stopped
starting with the object whose identifier is specified.
SystemAction: The audit operation continues.
User Response: Thecompression candidate list can be displayed with the QUERY
COMPRESSION command. The QUERYPROCESS command can be used to
monitor the progress of the audit operation.
ANR6206I Command name: Process processID, starting base level 1 compression audit.
Explanation: Alevel 1 compression audit is starting to evaluate client files for
signs that they may be affected by the client compression problem. The audit starts
with the first client file found on the server, even if previous level 1 audits have
been executed.
SystemAction: The audit operation continues
User Response: Thecompression candidate list can be displayed with the QUERY
COMPRESSION command. The QUERYPROCESS command can be used to
monitor the progress of the audit operation.
ANR6207I Command name: Process processID, level audit level analysis detected candidate
file high-level object name low-level object name in file space client filespace name
for node client node name.
Explanation: Acompression audit has found a candidate file at the audit level
specified. The name of the client node, file space, and file are displayed. This
message is issued whenever a candidate file is detected during a compression audit
that was started with the VERBOSE=YES parameter specified.
SystemAction: The audit operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7