ANR8223W (Windows NT)
Failed to connect to system at address addressport port.
Explanation: The server attempted to contact the indicated node name at the
specified port. The attempt is unsuccessful. The target port is not valid at the target
SystemAction: The attempt to communicate with the indicated node fails. Server
operation continues.
User Response: Ensurethat the node name still has TCP/IP running and that the
client is active in SCHEDULE mode. If the server is attempting contact with the
SNMP subagent, ensure that the hostname and port number for the subagent is
correct in the server options file.
ANR8224W (AS/400)
Unable to initialize IPX driver - error creatingacceptor socket.
Explanation: TheADSM server cannot communicate by way of IPX. IPX has
rejected a request for a socket on which the server listens.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the server cannot accept sessions
from clients using the IPX communication protocol.
User Response: Ensurethat IPX is operational on your system. If IPX is not
started, issue theADSM HALT command to stop the server, and then restart the
server after IPX has been started.
ANR8224W (Solaris)
TCP/IPdriver is unable to set the window size to TCPWindowsize for the server
master socket. The default value will be used.
Explanation: The server cannot set the window size for the socket on which the
server listens to the requested size shown. The server uses the default window size
for listening for sessions. There may be a lack of memory for TCP/IPbuffers.
SystemAction: Server operation continues with the default window size.
User Response: Restartthe server with a smaller window size in the options file if
necessary.Issue the QUERY OPTION command to determine the setting of the
server TCPWindowsize.
ANR8225I (AIX) NETBIOS driver ready for connection with clients on adapternetwork adapter
Explanation: The server is now able to accept sessions with clients using the
NETBIOS protocol.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7