ANS1503E Validpassword not available for server ’server-name’. The administrator for
your system must run TSM and enter the password to storeit locally.
Explanation: The file containing the stored password for the specified server
server-name is unavailable.
SystemAction: TSM ends.
User Response: Theadministrator for your system must set and store a new
ANS1504E Error starting the TrustedCommunication Agent process.
Explanation: An error has occurred starting the Trusted CommunicationAgent
process; specifically,the fork() function has failed.
SystemAction: TSM ends.
User Response: Probablesystem error. If the problem persists, restart the
ANS1505E TrustedCommunication Agent has terminated unexpectedly.
Explanation: The Trusted CommunicationAgent has terminated unexpectedly.
SystemAction: TSM ends.
User Response: Checkthe error log for more information. Retry the activity. If the
problem persists, contact your service representative.
ANS1506E TrustedCommunication Agent received invalid request.
Explanation: The Trusted CommunicationAgent has received an unknown request
from the TSM client.
SystemAction: TSM ends.
User Response: Internalerror. If the problem recurs, contact your service
ANS1507E This action requires TSM administrative authority on this system.
Explanation: An activity has been attempted that must be performed by the TSM
administrator (for example, open registration, filespace delete or password update).
SystemAction: TSM ends.
User Response: Ifthe activity is required, the administrator for this system must
perform it.
ANS1508E Error allocating semaphores.
Explanation: An error has occurred because the semaphores you are attempting to
allocate have become insufficient.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Askyour system administrator for assistance, and possibly
increase the number of semaphores in your system.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
7. Client Common