ANR8461I AUDIT LIBRARYprocess for library library name completed successfully.
Explanation: The background process for anAUDIT LIBRARY command has
completed successfully.
SystemAction: The library inventory is updated to match the contents of the
library as found during the audit operation.
User Response: None.
ANR8461I (AS/400)
AUDIT LIBRARYprocess for library library name completed successfully.
Explanation: The background process for anAUDIT LIBRARY command has
completed successfully.
SystemAction: The library inventory is updated to match the contents of the
library as found during the audit operation.
User Response: Noaction is required.
ANR8462I End-of-side reached for device type volume volume name.
Explanation: The server has detected an end-of-side condition for the given two
sided volume.
SystemAction: The server will access the second side of the volume.
User Response: None.
ANR8463E Device type volume volume name is write protected.
Explanation: The server has detected a write-protect condition for the given
SystemAction: The server will dismount the volume and continue processing with
another volume.
User Response: Adjustthe write-protect switch on the volume so that writing is
allowed. If the volume is an optical volume and the write-protect switch is already
set to allow writing, use the MOVE DATAcommand to move the data off of the
volume. Rewritable volumes may be reformatted and reused after the data is moved
to another volume.
ANR8463E (AS/400)
Device type volume volume name is write protected.
Explanation: The server has detected a write protect condition for the given
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages