drive Adevice used to read and write data on a medium such as a magnetic disk, optical
disk, or tape.
DRM Ashort name for Tivoli Disaster Recovery Manager.
dsm.opt file
See client options file and client user options file.
See server options file.
dsm.sys file
See client system options file.
dynamic Acopy group serialization value that specifies that TSM accepts the first attempt to
back up or archive a file regardless of whether the file is modified during the
backup or archive process. See also serialization. Contrast with shared dynamic,
shared static, and static.
dynamic link library
Afile containing executable code and data bound to a program at load time or run
time, rather than during linking. The code and data in a dynamic link library can be
shared by several applications simultaneously.
ECCST Enhanced capacity cartridge system tape.
enhanced capacity cartridge system tape (ECCST)
Cartridge system tape with increased capacity that can only be used with 3490E
tape subsystems. Contrast with cartridge system tape.
enterprise configuration
Acapability that allows the administrator to distribute the configuration of one TSM
server to other servers using server-to-server communication. See configuration
manager,managed server,profile, and subscription.
enterprise logging
The sending of events from TSM servers to a designated event server.The event
server routes the events to designated receivers, such as to a user exit. See also
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages