ANE4004E Error processing ’filespace namepath-namefile-name’: destination file or
directory is write locked
Explanation: The file or directory being restored or retrieved from the server
cannot be written to because the destination is write locked.Another operation
might have the file open and will not allow it to be updated.
SystemAction: File skipped.
User Response: Eitherdetermine which operation has the file write locked, or
restore the file to another name or location.
ANE4005E Error processing ’filespace namepath-namefile-name’: file not found
Explanation: The file being processed for backup, archive or migrate no longer
exists on the client.Another process deletes the file before it can be backed up,
archived or migrated by TSM.
SystemAction: File skipped.
User Response: None.
ANE4006E Error processing ’filespace namepath-namefile-name’: directory path not found
Explanation: Youspecified an incorrect directory path.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correctthe syntax specified on the call and retry the operation.
ANE4007E Error processing ’filespace namepath-namefile-name’: access to the object is
Explanation: Access to the specified file or directory is denied. Youtried to read
from or write to a file and you do not have access permission for either the file or
the directory.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Ensurethat you specified the correct file or directory name,
correct the permissions, or specify a new location.
ANE4008E Error processing ’filespace namepath-namefile-name’: file is temporarily
Explanation: File is temporarily unavailable.
SystemAction: File skipped.
User Response: Checkand see if file is locked by other process. If not, retry the
ANE4009E Error processing ’filespace namepath-namefile-name’: disk full condition
Explanation: No more files can be restored or retrieved because the destination
disk is full.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Freeup disk space, or restore or retrieve the file to another disk.
Version 3 Release 7