ANS9607E program-name:Aggregate aggregate-name is either not exported or not
initialized for LFS! Aborting!
Explanation: The target aggregate must be exported before adding it to HSM.
SystemAction: The program aborts.
User Response: Attachthe aggregate.
ANS9608E program-name: Unable to load an LFS Kernel extension!Aborting!
Explanation: HSM needs special kernel extensions in order to run. DCE is either
not yet fully up, or there is a problem with the DCE configuration or installation.
SystemAction: The program aborts.
User Response: Wait till DCE is fully up. Then try to run ″/usr/sbin/cfgdfs -a
/usr/lib/drivers/dcelfs.ext″. If you don’t see any output, everything is running
correctly.Otherwise there is a severe problem in your DCE environment.
ANS9609E program-name: Unable to load an DMEpi Kernel extension!Aborting!
Explanation: HSM needs special kernel extensions in order to run. DCE is either
not yet fully up, or there is a problem with the DCE configuration or installation.
SystemAction: The program aborts.
User Response: Wait till DCE is fully up. Then try to run ″/usr/sbin/cfgdmepi -a
/usr/lib/drivers/dmlfs.ext″. If you don’t see any output, everything is running
correctly.Otherwise there is a severe problem in your DCE environment.
ANS9610E program-name: Unable to update the state of aggregateaggregate-name in the
Explanation: HSM needs to toggle the filesystem type of the target aggregate in
″/opt/dcelocal/var/dfs/dfstab″. This operation failed.
SystemAction: The program aborts.
User Response: Detachthe aggregate from the cell by executing ″dfsexport
-detachAggregateName″. Edit ″/opt/dcelocal/var/dfs/dfstab″and toggle the type of
the target aggregate. If you add HSM to the aggregate you should toggle ″lfs″to
″dmlfs″. Execute ″/usr/lpp/dce/bin/dmaggrAggregateName -on″. If you remove
HSM from the aggregate you should toggle ″dmlfs″to ″lfs″. Execute
″/usr/lpp/dce/bin/dmaggrAggregateName -off″. Then dfsexport the aggregate again.
Version 3 Release 7