during the audit. If the file is part of an aggregate, the audit will reset the aggregate
status if the entire aggregate is found to be undamaged. If this volume is in a
primary storage pool that has previously been backed up to a copy storage pool, you
can also attempt to restore damaged files by using the RESTORE STGPOOL
ANR1169W Lock conflict on movement of offsite file - file is skipped.
Explanation: During migration, reclamation, or move data processing of a volume
that is offsite, a copy of the file that resides in a primary disk storage pool is locked
by another process.
SystemAction: The file is skipped and the process will try to find another copy of
the file in a copy storage pool. If another copy cannot be used, the move operation
on the volume may be incomplete.
User Response: Ifa move operation was incomplete, try repeating the operation.
ANR1170E Out of Space in target copy storage pool: copy storage pool name.
Explanation: During reclamation, or move data processing of a volume that is
offsite, there was no volume available in the specified target copy storage pool.
SystemAction: The operation is terminated.
User Response: Definevolumes to the copy storage pool or raise the
ANR1171W Unable to move files associated with node node name, filespace filespace name
on volume volume name due to restore in progress.
Explanation: During movement of data (migration, reclamation, move data) from
a sequential volume, one or more files were encountered that were locked by a
restore operation.
SystemAction: The files are not moved, but are skipped.
User Response: Usethe QUERY RESTOREFORMAT=DETAILED command to
determine if the restore operation is active or is in restartable state.A restartable
restore operation will keep the files locked from movement until the
RESTOREINTERVALis reached. QUERY OPTION will display this interval.You
may wish to lower the RESTOREINTERVALto cause a restartable restore operation
to be removed and free up the locked files. The RESTOREINTERVALis a server
Version 3 Release 7