ANS0273E The trusted agent execution/owner permissions are invalid.
Explanation: The trusted agent execution/owner permissions are invalid.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Haveyour system administrator check the installation instructions
for the client to ensure that the trusted agent permissions are set correctly.
ANS0274S Process killed.
Explanation: Processing stopped. This is a programming failure and the client
program ends.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Retrythe operation. If the problem continues, contact your system
ANS0275S Trusted agent would block the operation.
Explanation: The trusted agent blocks the operation. This is a programming
failure and the client program ends.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Retrythe operation. If the problem continues, contact your system
ANS0276S The area for the include/exclude pattern is too small.
Explanation: The area for the include/exclude pattern is too small. This is a
programming failure and the client program ends.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Retrythe operation. If the problem continues, contact your system
ANS0277S There is no closing bracket in the pattern.
Explanation: There is no closing bracket in the pattern. This is a programming
failure and the client program ends.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Retrythe operation. If the problem continues, contact your system
ANS0278S The transaction will be aborted.
Explanation: The server encountered an error and will abort the transaction.
SystemAction: The transaction will be aborted. The reason code is passed on the
dsmEndTxn call.
User Response: Issuethe dsmEndTxn with a vote of DSM_VOTE_COMMIT and
examine the reason code.
Version 3 Release 7