SystemAction: The indicated command ends.
User Response: None.
ANR6683I Command: Volumevolume name was moved from from state state to to state.
Explanation: Volumevolume name is successfully moved from state1 to state2 by
the indicated command.
SystemAction: The indicated volume is moved to the destination state.
User Response: None.
ANR6684I Command: Volumevolume name was deleted.
command displays the message. Volumevolume name is deleted from the server
database. For database backup volume, after its expiration days have elapsed, the
volume history record is deleted when it is returned onsite. For an empty scratch
copy storage pool volume, the volume record is deleted when it is returned onsite.
SystemAction: The volume record is deleted from the server database.
User Response: Issuethe CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command for each volume
returned onsite if the volume is reused by the server.
ANR6685E Command: Volumevolume name not defined.
Explanation: Volumevolume name is not defined to the server.
SystemAction: The indicated command is not processed if the volume name is
explicitly specified on the command. If a volume pattern is specified on the
command, the volume shown is not processed, but the other volumes are processed.
User Response: Reissuethe command specifying a valid volume name.
ANR6686E Command: Volumevolume name in use.
displays the message. Volumevolume name is used for another operation.
SystemAction: The command is not processed if the volume is explicitly
specified on the command. If a volume pattern is specified on the command, the
indicated volume is not processed, but the other volumes are processed.
User Response: Wait until the conflicting volume activity has completed, and then
reissue the command. If the volume is currently mounted, but idle, dismount the
volume by using a DISMOUNT VOLUME command and then retry this operation.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages