ANS0245E The caller’s structure version is different than the TSM library version.
Explanation: The caller's structure version is different than the TSM library
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Ensurethat the stVersionfield is set with the value in the header
file. Recompile the application with the latest header files.
ANS0246E Issue dsmEndTxn and then begin a new transaction session.
Explanation: This transaction must be ended and a new one must be started due
to one of the following reasons:
The destination changed.
The byte limit is exceeded
The maximum number of objects is exceeded.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: IssuedsmEndTxn and start a new transaction session.
ANS0247E The backup or archive object is excluded from processing.
Explanation: The backup or archive object is excluded from processing.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Verify the objName and Exclude lists.
ANS0248E The backup object does not have a copy group.
Explanation: The backup object does not have a copy group.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Verify server policy definitions.
ANS0249E The archive object does not have a copy group.
Explanation: The archive object does not have a copy group.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Verify server policy definitions.
ANS0250E Memory used by the TSMAPI has been corrupted.
Explanation: Memory used by the TSMAPI has been corrupted.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Retrythe operation. If the problem continues, contact your system
administrator or service representative.
ANS0251E The sendObjArchive description is too long.
Explanation: The sendObjArchive description is too long.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
Version 3 Release 7