specified in the message will have to be deleted by issuing the appropriate RACF
commands. For Information on the return codes and reason code, see External
Security Interface (RACROUTE) Macro Referencefor MVS.
ANR5230I (S/390)Request number: Starting Exit Machine mountvm to mount devclass volume ID.
Explanation: The server has autologged a mount exit virtual machine to handle a
mount request.
SystemAction: The server autologs a mount exit virtual machine.
User Response: None.
ANR5231I (S/390)Request number: Starting Exit Machine mountvm to delete devclass volume ID.
Explanation: The server autologs a mount exit virtual machine to handle a mount
delete request.
SystemAction: The server autologs a mount exit virtual machine.
User Response: None.
ANR5232W (S/390)
[XAUTOLOG] mountvm failed with return code code.
Explanation: An error occurs during XAUTOLOG of a mount exit virtual
SystemAction: The server retries the command. If the command continues to fail,
the mount exit machine is marked off-line, and another mount exit machine is used.
User Response: Ifthe mount exit machine is placed in the off-line status,
determine the cause, correct the problem, and use the DSMOP or administrator
READY EXITcommand to restore the mount exit machine to the ready status.
ANR5233E (S/390)ExitMachine mountvm taken offline - nn command attempts failed.
Explanation: The number of XAUTOLOG attempts has exceeded an internal
threshold. The mount exit virtual machine is no longer used.
SystemAction: The server marks the mount exit virtual machine off-line.
User Response: To make the mount exit machine available, determine the cause of
the autolog failure. Correct the problem and use the DSMOP or administrator
READY EXITcommand to restore the mount exit machine to the ready status.
Version 3 Release 7