ANS8026E Input line longer than maximum of max length characters. Use continuation.
Explanation: An input command line is longer than the maximum input line
length allowed.
SystemAction: The input command is ignored.
User Response: Reissuethe command with several lines using continuation
ANS8027E Unterminated comment in command.
Explanation: An input command contains an opening comment mark but no
closing comment mark.
SystemAction: The input command is ignored.
User Response: Reissuethe command with matching comment marks.
ANS8028E Command longer than maximum of max length characters.
Explanation: An input command longer than the maximum command length
allowed has been entered.
SystemAction: The input command is ignored.
User Response: Reissuethe command with fewer characters. This could mean
replacing series of repeating blanks with a single blank.
ANS8029E Macro processing terminated.
Explanation: An error occurs during processing of a macro because the
-ITEMCOMMIT option is not specified on the command line. Processing of this
macro and any higher level macro is terminated.
SystemAction: All current macro processing ends.
User Response: Specifythe -ITEMCOMMIT option on the command line to
ensure that the server commits each command in the macro individually.
ANS8030E Substituted command longer than maximum of max length characters.
Explanation: After variable substitution, an input command is longer than the
maximum command length allowed.
SystemAction: The input command is ignored.
User Response: Reissuethe command with fewer characters. This may require
replacing a series of repeating blanks with a single blank.
ANS8031E Missing name of macro to execute.
Explanation: Amacro command is encountered that does not contain a macro
SystemAction: The command is ignored.
User Response: Reissuethe macro command with a macro file name.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
14. Administrative
Command Line Client