ANR8282W (AS/400)
Exit type EXIT is not defined.
Explanation: The designated exit has not been defined to the server.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The server issues additional error
messages if this condition prevents the server from completing an operation.
User Response: Correctthe problem with the specified exit program and use the
UPDATEEXIT command to notify the server that the exit has been changed.
ANR8282I (HP-UX)
SNMPdriver ready for connection with subagent on port port number.
Explanation: The server can now accept sessions with SNMP subagents on the
indicated port number.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR8282I (Solaris)
SNMPdriver ready for connection with subagent on port port number.
Explanation: The server can now accept sessions with SNMP subagents on the
indicated port number.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR8282I (Windows NT)
HTTPS driver ready for connection with clients on portport number.
Explanation: The server can now accept sessions with clients using the HTTPS
protocol on the indicated port number.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR8283W (AS/400)
Exit type EXIT exit name cannot be located.
Explanation: The *PGM object with the specified exit name cannot be located on
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The server issues additional error
messages when this condition prevents it from completing an operation.
Version 3 Release 7