User Response: Review the other messages regarding this error to get more
information about the problem.
ACO3028E Error: SQLserver errors encountered.
Explanation: While processing the request, there were SQL server errors.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Review the other messages regarding this error to get more
information about the problem.
ACO3030E Truncationfailure:
Explanation: An error occurred trying to truncate the transaction log.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Review the other messages regarding this error to get more
information about the problem.
ACO3036E Error: %1
Explanation: An error has occurred reading the options file.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Review the other messages regarding this error to get more
information about the problem.
ACO3055E Error:An invalid ADSM database information record was detected and
Explanation: This is an internal error with the format of anADSM database
information record.
SystemAction: The invalid database information record is ignored.
User Response: Retry the operation. If this error persists, contact IBMADSM
ACO3057E ERROR - The /IFOLDer option is requiredfor this operation.
Explanation: This option needs te be entered for the /ADSMAUTODELete
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Re-enter the command specifying the /IFOLDer option.
ACO3505E Failed write to SQLserver. Check SQL server error log.
Explanation: An attempt was made to restore a SQL database.This attempt failed
to write to the SQL server.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Refer to the SQL server log for a better understanding of the
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
17. Tivoli Data Protection
for Microsoft SQL