ANR4035I Dump/load command: Encountered number of bit vectors bad database records.
Explanation: This message is displayed at the end of a server database dump or
load command to indicate the number of invalid database records that have been
SystemAction: Database dump or load processing ends.
User Response: None.
ANR4036I Dump/load command: Copied number of bit vectors database entries.
Explanation: This message is displayed at the end of a server database dump or
load command to indicate the number of database entries that have been copied.
SystemAction: Database dump or load processing ends.
User Response: None.
ANR4037I Dump/load command:number of bit vectors copied.
Explanation: This message is displayed at the end of a server database dump or
load command to indicate the number of bytes that have been copied.
SystemAction: Database dump or load processing ends.
User Response: None.
ANR4038I Load command: Loading database information dumped on dump date at dump
Explanation: At the beginning of a server database load process, this message
indicates the date and time that the dump took place for the database information
that is loaded into the server.
SystemAction: Database load processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR4039I Load command: Loaded number of entries database entries (cumulative).
Explanation: This message indicates the number of database entries that have
been loaded so far during database load processing.
SystemAction: Database load processing continues.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7