ANR5317I (S/390)Make device real address ready.
Explanation: The device is in a not ready condition.
SystemAction: The server sends an intervention required message to the mount
operator user IDs listed in the DSMSERVOPT file.
User Response: Makethe device ready.
ANR5318I (S/390)Intervention cleared on device real address.
Explanation: The device requiring operator intervention is now ready.
SystemAction: The task waiting for the device continues.
User Response: None.
ANR5319I (S/390)Intervention required on device real address.
Explanation: The device requires operator intervention.
SystemAction: The task waits until the device is made ready.
User Response: Makethe device ready.
ANR5320I (S/390)Volume volume ID already in use.
Explanation: Atape volume has been mounted for use by the server; after
mounting the volume, the server determined that the volume was already in use by
the server and could not be used to satisfy the current mount request.
SystemAction: The server dismounts the volume, detaches the device, and
reissues the original request.
User Response: Mounta volume not already in use by the server.
ANR5321I (S/390)End of volume reached for volume ID on device real address.
Explanation: During processing of a read/write tape volume, the end of the tape
volume has been reached.
SystemAction: The volume is marked read-only and kept mounted for later use.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7