ANR8554W (HP-UX)
Dump/load command: Device class device class name not defined. Devtype of
FILE is assumed.
Explanation: The specified device class name is not defined with the
DUMPLOADDB DEVCLASS option, to the server in the server options file or the
server is not able to define the specified device class.
SystemAction: Processing continues. The dump/load process assumes the device
class is devtype=FILE and writes to or reads from a file.
User Response: Referto the other displayed messages to determine why the
device class is not defined. Correct the problem and restart the command if you do
not wish to write to or read from a file.
ANR8554W (Solaris)
Dump/load command: Device class device class name not defined. Devtype of
FILE is assumed.
Explanation: The specified device class name is not defined with the
DUMPLOADDB DEVCLASS option, to the server in the server options file or the
server is not able to define the specified device class.
SystemAction: Processing continues. The dump/load process assumes the device
class is devtype=FILE and writes to or reads from a file.
User Response: Referto the other displayed messages to determine why the
device class is not defined. Correct the problem and restart the command if you do
not wish to write to or read from a file.
ANR8555W (AS/400)
Command: The value of this command results inADSM recovery files that
cannot be edited on theAS/400.
Explanation: The SET LRECLRECOVERYFILEcommand has changed the value
of this option to greater than 240.An AS/400 file with an LRECL greater than 240
cannot be edited on theAS/400. The ADSM recovery files affected by this option
are the volume history file, the device configuration file and the DRM recovery plan
SystemAction: The server processes the command.
User Response: Ignorethe warning or set the LRECLRECOVERYFILE option to
a value less than 241. If the warning is ignored and it becomes necessary to edit the
ADSM recovery files, the files will have to be edited on a platform other than the
AS/400 and returned to theAS/400. For example, it may be necessary to FTP the
files to a PC Workstation,edit them there and FTP the changed files back to the
AS/400. While editing the files, ensure that the new LRECLdoes not exceed that of
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages