User Response: Switch over to the Space Manager window,and add space
management to the file system.
ANS9948E File: file-spec size is less than the minimum size required for migration.
Explanation: Youtried to migrate a file that is smaller than the minimum size
required for migration. Tobe eligible for migration, a file must be larger than both
the stub file size specified for the file system plus one byte and the block size
defined for the file system.
SystemAction: TSM will not highlight the file.
User Response: None.
ANS9949E File: file-spec is not a regular file and thereforenot qualified for migration.
Explanation: Youtried to migrate a file that is not a regular file. It might be a
FIFO file, a special file, a directory or a symbolic link.
SystemAction: TSM will not highlight the file.
User Response: None.
ANS9950E File: file-spec is not qualified for migration because the Space Management
Techniqueattribute is set to None.
Explanation: The Space Management Techniqueattribute in the management class
is set to None, which does not allow a file to be migrated.
SystemAction: TSM will not highlight the file.
User Response: Assign a management class to the file that specifies “Automatic”
or “Selective” for the Space Management Techniqueattribute.
ANS9951E File: file-name file has already been migrated.
Explanation: Youtried to migrate a file that is already migrated.
SystemAction: TSM will not highlight the file.
User Response: None.
ANS9953E The management class assigned to this file does not allow migration.
Explanation: The management class assigned to this file does not allow migration.
SystemAction: TSM does not migrate the file.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7